World Championship F5J 2025, Argentina
Posted by Jo Grini on

We must thank the organizers for a fantastic event in Argentina. We were probably all very interested in how this would be but we had a wonderful time on a huge and interesting field. Big tents, good food, smiling organizers and very good timekeepers made it a streamlined event. Team World Champions F5J 2025 Czech Republicwith Heinrich Petr, Malčík Radek, Vostřel Vlastimil Our Czech pilots flying Prestige did well and was followed up by many other flying Prestige in the varying conditions. We had everything this event from calm and low launching to very windy conditions in the warm cnditions...
- Tags: Prestige 2pk pro
Tango Cup F5J, Argentina
Posted by Jo Grini on

Tango Cup F5J, Argentina. Pre-contest for World Championship F5J 2025. We congratulate Joe Wurts with the win and are very happy to see 3 Prestige 2PK from us in top 5. 92 pilots and 14 pilots in finals. Next up is the big event :-)
- Tags: Prestige 2pk pro
World Championship F5J 2025 Argentina
Posted by Jo Grini on

We are proud to be sponsors of the World Championship F5J in Argentina and sponsor models for both senior and juniors champions! Models are now in Argentina without the snow ;-) Check out their website and full list off pilots at:
- Tags: Prestige 2pk pro
Congratulations to Nick Chabrel from South Australia on his victory
Posted by Jo Grini on

20 pilots from Victoria, South Australia and New South Wales gathered in Horsham in central Victoria for a 2 day F5J event. 2 pilots drove 1,300km to compete. Temperatures in the low 20’s and light variable winds under 1 m/s made for a great competition. Congratulations to Nick Chabrel from South Australia on his victory with his Pike Prestige PRO.
- Tags: Prestige 2pk pro
We have a winner!!
Posted by Jo Grini on

We have a winner!! Congratulations to the winner of our competition. On the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Samba company model, Karel van Baalen from the Netherland won the model. Karel really deserves the model. He was the only one to answer correctly, although some were very close. The competition question was very difficult and Google doesn't know everything.😀😀😀The correct answer was: Pike T (first Pike) 1994Pike Superior 2002Pike Perfect 2006Pike Perfection 2012Pike Precision 2 2017Prestige 2PK 2019Pike PARADIGM 2022